Home » UPC decisions » Central Division » CD Paris, May 10, 2024, request for simultaneous interpretation, UPC_CFI_367_2023

CD Paris, May 10, 2024, request for simultaneous interpretation, UPC_CFI_367_2023

3 min Reading time

Key takeaways

It does not matter what language skills a specific representative of an international team of representatives has. Otherwise, international teams of representatives with different language skills would lead to a significant increase in procedural costs due to simultaneous interpretation of oral hearings.

Given the nature of an international court, not all of the parties’ attendants (e.g. managing directors) are able to follow the legal discussion during the hearing.

Unlike the defendant in the infringement proceedings, the plaintiff is not under comparable time pressure in the nullity proceedings, as the plaintiff is able to consult comprehensively with its representatives and plan its litigation strategy at least during the preparation of the action.

The technical equipment available in the court can be used.


Central Division Paris

UPC number


Type of proceedings

Central revocation action, Request for simultaneous interpretation of the oral hearing


Claimant + Applicant: CEAD B.V. and CAED USA B.V.

Defendant: BEGO Medical GmbH


EP 2 681 034 B1

Body of legislation / Rules

Rule 109 RoP; Art. 49 (6), 51 (2) UPCA; Consideration 6 of the preamble of the UPCA

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  • Sabrina Smyczek, Patent attorney, European Patent Attorney, Senior Associate

    German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, Senior Associate

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