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LD Munich, February 5, 2025, Decision re. Preliminary Objection, UPC_CFI_740/2024
A Preliminary objection can also be raised with regard to a counterclaim for revocation.: Although R. 19 RoP addresses infringement actions, the principle of equality of arms requires that the defendant of a counterclaim for revocation must be able to assert a lack of competence procedurally in the same way as the defendant of an infringement…
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LD Munich, January 23, 2025, order regarding cost and confidentiality, UPC_CFI_815/2024
Restrictions on confidential information apply to third parties and the public: The Court referred to a previous order from the Central Division Paris in UPC_CFI_367/2023. It indicated that Meril would have unlimited access to the costs application, while restrictions on confidential information would apply to third parties and the public. Division Local Division Munich UPC…
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LD Munich, January 10, 2025, order in cost reimbursment procedure, UPC_CFI_249/2023
No interest is added to reimbursable costs of procedures and disbursements in cost reimbursment proceedings: Contrary to German case law there is no interest to be added to reimbursable costs of procedures and disbursments in cost reimbursment proceedings. There is no legal basis for such interest in Rule 151 RoP. Whereas Rules 125 and 131…
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LD Munich, January 13, 2025, revised order on auxiliary requests, UPC_CFI_298/2023
The number of 55 auxiliary requests can be reasonable: Upon panel review the court views the number of 55 auxiliary requests as exceptionally high but not unreasonable. Considering the extreme complexity of the case (in particular in view of the number of grounds of invalidity raised), the importance of the patent at issue and the…
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LD Munich, December 18, 2024, withdrawal of opt-out, exhaustion, and FRAND defense, UPC_CFI_9/2023
Withdrawal of opt-out effective if CMS workflow is used: The Court held that Claimant’s withdrawal of the opt-out was effective as Claimant used the online workflow in the Case Management System (CMS) according to Rule 5.7 RoP. It is not mandatory to use the provided template which is merely a non-binding support tool. The withdrawal…
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LD Munich, December 09, 2024, order re. service, UPC_CFI_508/2023 ACT_597609/2023
Failure of service under R. 274.1 RoP.: Where an application is made under Art. 62 UPCA, it is necessary to serve the application to the defendant to give him the possibility to lodge an objection to the application for provisional measures within a time limit to be specified. Failure of service is given if neither…
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LD Munich, December 12, 2024, order on provisional measures, UPC_CFI_201/2024
It follows from R. 15(2) RoP that it is sufficient that the court fees have been paid for the statement of claim to be deemed to have been lodged.: Neither the English nor the German nor the French version state that the fee “has been received by the court”. The wording in all languages clearly state that…
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LD Munich, November 21, 2024, procedural order, UPC_CFI_550/2024
The Rules of Procedure of the UPC do not contain a principle according to which evidence for factual allegations arising from the action may no longer be submitted by the party to the action after the action has been filed.: According to Rule 172.2 RoP, the Court may at any stage of the proceedings order…
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LD Munich, October 11, 2024, cost decision, UPC_CFI_292/2023
No retroactive extension of time period for requesting costs under R. 151 RoP: The Court held that Rule 320 RoP, concerning the restitution of rights, is the lex specialis (more specific rule) and takes precedence over the general provision of Rule 9.3(a) RoP when a party misses a deadline and seeks to restore its right to…
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LD Munich, October 2, 2024, Substantive Order, UPC_CFI_153/2024
Patent pool administrators have a direct legal interest in litigations concerning patents within their pools: The court, referencing Rule 313 of the Rules of Procedure of the Unified Patent Court (RoP), affirmed that a patent pool administrator possesses a direct and present legal interest in the outcome of such a lawsuit. This interest stems from…
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LD Munich, October 2, Procedural Order on Security for Costs UPC_CFI_54/2024
US-based NPE has to provide security: The Claimant is a non-practicing entity with no operational business. Its business model appears to be based solely on revenues expected from patent litigation. The Claimant owns no other assets other than the patents used in multiple worldwide litigations and it has failed to substantially challenge these reasons and…
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LD Munich, September 25, 2024, Procedural Order on a Counterclaim for revocation – Standing to be sued, UPC_CFI_114/2024 UPC_CFI_448/2024
Background: A common situation in patent litigation is that a patent has (allegedly) been assigned from one legal entity (assignor) to another (assignee) and that the assignee asserts the patent before being entered as proprietor into the register. This decision addresses the question who the alleged infringer (defendant) can sue in a counterclaim for revocation.…
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LD Munich, September 13, 2024, infringement action: decision on the merits, UPC_CFI_390/2023
No stay of the proceedings due to national nullity proceedings re. German part of patent-in-suit: Requirements of R. 295(a) RoP not fulfilled, appeal of the German Federal Court of Justice (FCJ) against the first instance decision of the German Federal Patent Court (FPC) is not expected to be given rapidly. A stay according to R.…
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LD Munich, September 2, 2024, order on change in parties, UPC_CFI_221/2024
Late-filed request for adding a party is dismissed based on court’s discretion: The court exercises the discretion granted to it in Rule 305 of the Rules of Procedure to the effect that it does not admit the extension of the complaint by adding a party (a further Defendant). A comparison with the provision in Rule…
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LD Munich, August 27, 2024, order on provisional measures, UPC_CFI_74/2024
Direct infringement of a device claim : In certain cases, there could be a direct infringement of a device claim if the patent infringer appropriates the actions of its customer in the sense of an “extended workbench” (in German: “verlängerte Werkbank”) and it would be unreasonable to hold the infringer liable only for indirect patent…
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LD Munich, July 31, 2024, Decision on the merits, UPC_CFI_233/2023
Applicable standard concerning novelty: In order to be considered part of the state of the art (Art. 54 (1) EPC), an invention must be found clearly integrally, directly and unambiguously in one single piece of prior art and in its existing form, it must be identical in its constitutive elements, in the same form, with…
4 min Reading time→

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