Topics: burden of proof
Central division (Section Munich), Decision in Revocation Action, UPC 1/2023, UPC 14/2023
Claim interpretation: When interpreting a patent claim, the person skilled in the art does not apply a philological understanding, but determines the technical meaning of the terms used with the aid of the description and the drawings. A feature in a patent claim is always to be interpreted in light of the claim as a…
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CoA Luxembourg, 26 February 2024, order in the proceedings for provisional measures, UPC_CoA_335/2023
Claim Construction: The patent claim – to be interpreted from the point of view of a person skilled in the art – is not only the starting point, but the decisive basis for determining theprotective scope of a European patent under Art. 69 EPC in conjunction with the Protocol on the Interpretation of Art. 69…
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