Topics: Intervention
CoA, January 8, 2025, order concerning an application to intervene, UPC_CoA_621/2024
Timing and grounds of an intervention (Rule 313 RoP): An application to intervene may be lodged at any stage of the proceedings by any person establishing a legal interest in the result of an action. An application to intervene shall only be admissible if it is made before the closure of the written procedure unless…
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CD Milan, December 23, 2024, procedural order, UPC_CFI_ 380/2024
Criteria for intervention (Rule 313 RoP): An intervener must demonstrate a legally qualified interest, not merely a factual one. This interest must be connected to the legal relationship in litigation and entail potential harm to the intervener’s rights if the original party loses the case. Decision on costs of an application to intervene (Rule 150…
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CD Milan, October 1, 2024, Procedural Order, UPC_CFI_380/2024
High threshold for intervention in interim injunction proceedings: The Court rejected the request (here: from Menarini) for intervention, emphasizing that Article 313 RoP permits intervention in interim injunction proceedings only under exceptional circumstances. The mere fact that a third party might be affected by the outcome of the proceedings is not sufficient. Rather, the third…
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LD Duesseldorf, July 30, 2024, Procedural order concerning confidentiality, UPC_CFI_457/2023
Intervener is party to the proceedings with corresponding option to request confidentiality: Unless ordered otherwise by the Court, the intervener shall be treated as a party in accordance with Rule 315.4 RoP. Just like a party, the intervener therefore has the option to file a confidentiality request concerning the information contained in the pleadings submitted…
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LD Vienna, July 30, 2024, Procedural order concerning security for costs of proceedings, UPC_CFI_33/2024
Sufficient interest for intervention to be admissible: The legal interest required for the admissibility of the intervention is given if the intervener has a direct and present interest in the issuance of the order or decision requested by the assisted party. Purchase of accused product establishes interest for intervention to be admissible: Such a legal…
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LD Paris, 24 July 2024, Procedural order of the Court of First Instance, UPC_CFI_440/2023
Pendency of an action: The pendency of an action is determined by the date of the registration with the Division concerned – in other words, the pendency of an action is independent on whether or not the defendant has already accepted service of the statement of a claim. Same parties according to Art. 33 (4)…
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LD Duesseldorf, June 26, 2024, procedual order, UPC_CFI_457/2023
Direct and present interest of the Intervener: The legal interest required for the admissibility of the intervention is given if the Intervener has a direct and present interest in the issuance of the order or decision requested by the assisted party. Such a legal interest can be affirmed if the patent in suit has been…
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