Topics: Judge Rapporteur
CoA, March 21, 2024, order, UPC_CoA_486/2023
An appeal against a decision of the judge rapporteur can be admissible if it is the subject of the appeal whether the judge rapporteur was entitled to issue the decision under appeal.: R 220.3 RoP provides for the admission of an appeal against an order issued by a panel. However, the order under appeal was…
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CD Munich, 24 August 2023, order rejecting a preliminary objection of the court of first instance of the Unified Patent Court, UPC_CFI 1/2023
Action brought at date and time (hours, minutes, seconds) of filing: The actual date (year, month, day) and time (hours, minutes, seconds) of filing an action is decisive for the question of when an action has been brought in the meaning of Art. 33.4 UPCA. Hard-copy filings (R. 4.2 RoP) in first instance not only…
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