Topics: R. 275.2 RoP
LD Mannheim, 8 September 2023, procedural order re. alternative method of service, UPC_CFI_219/2023
Mandatory requirement of R. 275.2 RoP is a previous attempt to effect service in accordance with R. 270 to 274 RoP : R. 270 to 274 RoP do not provide for the possibility of service at a place of business within the Contracting Member States for defendants having their seat outside thereof; R. 271.5 RoP…
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LD Munich, 4 December 2023, order of the court of first instance of the UPC, UPC_CFI_213/2023, 220/2023, 224/2023
The determination of the date of service of the complaint and the grant of an extension of the deadline for the statement of defense in agreement with parties is possible.: Division Local Division Munich UPC number UPC_CFI_213/2023, 220/2023, 224/2023 Type of proceedings Action for infringement Parties Panasonic Holdings Corporation (Plaintiff) and 1 Xiaomi Inc.2 Beijing…
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