Topics: Rule 9 RoP
LD Mannheim, 14 February 2024, order on production of documents and protection of confidential information, UPC_CFI_210/2023
Order of a confidentiality regime step-by-step from uploading the document to the decision and any requests for access to the file: The regime reflects the interest – typically arising from the provision in license agreements that the contract may only be produced upon a court order – that the respective licence agreement partner shall be…
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CD Paris, February 9, 2024, rejected request for time extension, UPC_CFI_412/2023
Time extension only in exceptional cases: The power to extend a time limit should only be used with caution and only in justified exceptional cases (see UPC CFI 363/2023 LD Düsseldorf, order of 20 January 2024). A deadline set by the Rules of Procedures may only be extended in case a party alleges and gives…
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