Topics: Rule 295(m) RoP
Court of Appeal, September 17, 2024, Order in appeal proceedings against a decision in first instance revocation proceedings, UPC_CoA_227/2024
Application of Articles 29 to 32 of the Brussels I recast Regulation concerning lis pendens: The CoA found that Articles 29 to 32 of the Brussels I recast Regulation apply during the transitional period defined in Article 83 UPCA, even if national proceedings commenced before this period. This interpretation aims to prevent conflicting decisions arising…
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CD Paris, August 21, 2024, Order on stay of revocation proceedings, UPC_CFI_230/2024
Stay of revocation action pursuant to Rule 295(m) RoP: An appeal against the denial of provisional measures does generally not justify a stay of revocation proceedings pursuant to Rule 295(m) RoP. Rule 295(m) RoP must be applied and interpreted in accordance with the principle according to which proceedings must be conducted in a way which…
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